Since I'm rather free these saturdays, I've been tasked to be the carry boy when my parents decided to go to the supermarkets.
And soon, I'll be tasked as the driver too. :o
First was Sheng Song, a place popular, because it's cheap.
However, because the place is so small, it resembles a freaking tower defense map in Warcraft 3.

Yes, that's how cramped that damned place is. Trolleys are obviously not allowed in, and everyone has to carry their baskets, loaded with food carefully, or risk the wrath of humans when you smack it against them. (F=ma, when m is high, F will be high if there is a. :o)
However, what further surprised me was how people left their baskets unguarded, unattended, on the floor, and no one seemed to care.

-A basket left unattended (by me)
With all the posters around saying "Don't risk it, report it!" (BTW, better than the "Be the one who report it!" which sounds like it's good to discover a suspecious object), I'm fairly surprised no one cared. Of course, in it are food stuff and what not.
But, one stick of dynamite can easily be hidden there too.
Don't tell me "But why will terrorists blow a supermarket?". To cause chaos, this is pretty huge. Besides, the ambassador of planet X's chef's maid could be there, and it can be used as an assassination method.
Scary thought.
Heh, competition in a month's time, and they still don't seem to care.
I wonder if I should have bothered to go back every week. I mean, the activity level is horrible. Coming at 3:30, leaving at 4. Coming at 5:30, leaving at 5:45 after picking up tips, which I've drilled (obviously not hard enough) into them back in January.
And these are just basics, ffs.
That girl actually had the gall to tell me "Make sure you come everyday, and don't you get a job", when her attendance is half of what I have this year, even though I'm a senior.
Pathetic. At least, back in our batch, we were training every week. This year, people are leaving so early, or still having fun when they can't even get the basics.
How the hell do you expect to go to a competition? Seriously. I don't blame the best player for saying "I don't feel like going", because the team is crap.
Did I mention crap? >_>
Bah. Forget it. I've done my part.
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